以前、ロレンスでも未来のヘルメットとして紹介させて頂いたSKULLY 。

クラウドファンドのIndiegogoで250万ドルの資金を調達し、発売目前かと噂されていスマートヘルメット「SKULLY AR-1」が発売されないまま会社が倒産する事がわかりました。

画像: mediaslibres.com


SKULLY Ceases Operations
It is with great regret we must announce that SKULLY will formally cease operations, effective immediately. Over the past several weeks our management team has worked feverishly to raise additional capital but unforeseen challenges and circumstances, beyond our control, made this effort impossible. What this means now is that SKULLY will no longer be able to ship AR-1 Units or process refunds directly.
Substantially all of the assets of SKULLY are now subject to liens held by a secured creditor. The management team does not know if there will be any value above the amount of the secured debt. In addition, at this time, we are not aware whether there will be any distribution amounts available to unsecured creditors. SKULLY now plans to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case within the next several weeks. You will receive notice from the Bankruptcy Court and instructions on how to file a claim.
Our team is devastated and deeply saddened that our valued partners, vendors, employees and customers have been negatively affected by what has transpired. We realize there are many unanswered questions and that this is a very upsetting situation. We are truly sorry.

Skully AR-1はバイク用のヘルメットですが、GPSを搭載し、内蔵のHUD(Head Up Display)には、ナビや後頭部に搭載するリアビューカメラの映像を表示できるという、まるでSF映画のような高機能ヘルメットで、発表当時、一般のベータテスター申請受付を開始したところ、なんと10万人を超える志願者が殺到するという大注目の次世代のヘルメットでした。

画像: SKULLY AR-1: Rebel Innovation youtu.be

SKULLY AR-1: Rebel Innovation


そんな多くの人が夢見たSkully AR-1が、夢のまま終了するという残念すぎる発表。そして現状、Indiegogoのクラウドファンディング出資者には出資の見返りは何も無い状態となってしまっています。



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