SUBARU presents a new service on snow " SUBARU GELANDE TAXI 2017". SUBARU brings in their SUV models on snow with professional drivers to give ride to skiers and snowboarders to top of the hill.

Get ride up and Ski down!

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It has been 4 years since SUBARU started this service/promotional event on snow. This event let skier and snowboarders ride on SUBARU's SUV models (Outback, Forester, XV Hybrid), with professional drivers driving up on hill and droping skier/snowboarders off.

" It is supposed to be a one way TAXI to bring people up so they can ski/snowboard down, however, it is such an exciting experience, most of the passengers ask to stay on board for the way down, too." says, Mr. Tawara of SUBARU Japan.

Next event will be on 18th and 19th of February 2017 in Gifu prefecture TAKASU Snow Park.

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